Wayamba Nenasala

About Us

Wayamba Nenasala Kurunegala

What We're All About

If you learn something new everyday, you can teach something everyday..

Learn Something Every Day

“I see life like one long university education that I had- everyday I’m learning something new”

Harsha Sandaruwan Sooriyaarachchi
Signature Image

Who We Are

The Nensala project was launched in 2004 on a concept by his excellency the prime minister Mahinda Rajapaksha. Under the e-Srilanka project, thousand Nenasalas were set up island wide with the aim of providing equal success to Information Technology to all children in rural areas. As a result, the Wayamba Nenasala was established in Kurunrgala, the district center for children in the North Western province.

Currently operating under the Ministry of Defense under the guidance of the Information and Communication Technology agency of Sri Lanka.

Learn From Industry Leaders

We are partnership with leading institutions in Sri Lanka and all over the world.

Learn at Your Own Pace

You have facility to learn through your own methods in a friendly environment like your own accommodation .​

Professional Certification

We provide certification with local and international recognition.

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